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Your Cross-Border
Insurance Partner

We are your partner on the road for
U.S.-Mexico insurance protection

Cross border bus insurer.

Coverage for Cross-Border Travel into the United States

Invaluable knowledge of insurance and experience for companies who deserve the highest level of service and support.

Cross-Border Bus.

Cross-Border Bus Coverage

Your mission is to bring your tour bus passengers safely to their destination in the U.S. Our mission is to make sure you have the tools and insurance you need to do that.

  • Dedicated bilingual insurance underwriters and claims personnel
  • Flexible, customizable bus policies for your business
  • Cost-effective solutions with broad coverage options

We Make It Easy to Purchase Coverage for Busses Entering the U.S.

Flexible coverage options according to your needs and budget

Your policy and service are available to you 24/7 online and by phone

Coverage extends to travel in ALL of the United States from Mexico

Find Affordable Insurance Solutions for Crossing the Border

Person in front of cross-border buses.

Just as our name says, at Bluefire Specialty we specialize in providing cost-effective and customizable solutions to make it easier for you to navigate border crossings and remain protected wherever you travel.

We are your partner on the road for insurance solutions that provide peace of mind. Trust our experienced bilingual agents to help you find the right solution for you.

Call us at the following toll-free numbers for immediate help!

Cross-border Bus Insurance